June 2017 –My new venture with Patreon


Hi Everyone! This is a very challenging new art endeavour for me and I'll be very grateful for any input from you! I'm doing this because I want to put my best foot forward in sharing my art with the world, and I also want to have an impact on not only helping people, but helping our environment to stay as clean and healthy as possible.

So please let me know what you think about my page and its setup – my new Patreon* page. 

(*Patreon allows someone like ME to share my art related activities in one place, and it allows someone like YOU to financially support the creative/educational content that you enjoy and feel is valuable.)

I'd like to know from you things like:

Are my support level descriptions clear enough, do they make sense to you?
Are the reward tiers appealing to you?
Does the site represent me properly?
Do I have a big enough first goal?
Do you have any suggestions/recommendations?
And if you've gone through the process of supporting me, I'd like to know if it was easy or challenging.


You'll see that there are different support tiers on Patreon, I've set them up to range from $1 to $40 a month, so if you have a love for the Fine Arts and would like to be my patron for as little as only 12 dollars a YEAR, I would be SOOO thankful! Each supporter increases my visibility as an artist and will help me support displaced person's camps across the world.

On my page, you'll see things like:

  • what kinds of things I'm doing, (free)
  • process video clips, (free)
  • photos of my newly finished pieces, (free)
  • special finds in the world of up-cycling, (free)
  • favourite photos of Nova Scotia and the Maritimes that I've taken, (free),
  • process videos complete with my own music, (for $5 per month)
  • how-to videos (coming soon), (for $5 per month)
  • what special rewards like art greeting cards, mini paintings and limited edition prints are available for higher tier donations!

You'll also become part of a community where we can learn and share creative ideas - on up-cycling, recycling, reducing, reusing, repurposing or redesigning, and more!

Thanks so much for being a part of my art travels!