I get pretty excited when I finish one of my paintings - especially one of the larger ones. I'm like a child who just HAS to let everyone see the sand castle she just built! But this time it's not a sand castle, it's a mixed media painting with some beach items included!
Above: This is the beach where I found enough sea glass to make my latest painting, and after all that bending down, my back sure needed a good rest! Still it didn't stop me from going out the next day and finding more sea glass. Along with the sea glass, I used old shell and bead necklaces and some 15 year old scallop shells I had laying around from beach days with the kids.
Above: From somewhere along the Cabot Trail. We went in May, so the leaves were not fully out yet. And when we got to the highlands, there was even a bit of snow left along the highway - eeks!
Ahhh... Inverness, Cape Breton. Peace sweet peace.
Above: Whale-watching lookout point on the Cabot Trail.
Below: Three process pics where I used my beach materials, and my finished up-cycled piece called "Sea Glass Pie". I made a LOT of process videos, some time lapse and some real-time, and maybe I will put the movie together while I'm on our 4 day road trip to Ontario (2 days there, 2 days back).
Sea Glass is an example of the beauty God makes out of man's mistakes.
If you're looking to buy some beautiful original art to buy, (and also want to be a part of helping me help the environment), you'll find more than 50 gorgeous one-of-a-kind upcycled paintings at my website. There are three different sizes available: mini paintings for 50 dollars (40 if you're on my mailing list), medium sized paintings for 220 dollars (framed if you're on my mailing list) and large paintings for 780 dollars - all in CANADIAN FUNDS!
Thank you for supporting me with your comments! See you next month!
dorothealeblanc.ca (my website)
Dorothea LeBlanc Art (FaceBook)
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